Complete The Table Number, List Of Factors , Prime Or Composite , 1.18, 2.20 , 3.31 , 4.79 , 5.95., Pa Help Me Guys

Complete the table Number List of Factors Prime or Composite 1.18 2.20 3.31 4.79 5.95. pa help me guys>.<nonsense report>.<   Step-by-step explanation: 1. 18= (1,18),(2,9),(3,6) composite 2. 20=(1,20),(2,10),(4,5) composite 3. 31=(1,31) prime 4. 79=(1,79) prime 5. 95=(1,95),(5,19) composite hope it helps!

Anong Nota Ang Nasa Larawan?

Anong nota ang nasa larawan?


The pitch names of the notes are

C  D  E  F  G

You can read this about C major scale:

In the Key of C Major, a scale is conveyed using eight so-fa syllables to be unequivocal do, re, mi, fa, consequently, la, ti, do and with relating pitch names C D E F G A B C.

C major is the most un-dangerous as it contains no sharps or cushions. As indicated by the piano, this scale is played on white keys just, which makes the scale plainly more exquisite.

C major on the guitar isnt constantly the fundamental scale we learn, some dependably learn G or D. In any case, if we are to push toward the guitar theoretically, it truly is ideal in any case C major

